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About Me and Why I Am Driving Around the Globe

My Name is David.

In December of 2007, I suffered a heavy lifting accident at work; at that time, I did not realise what had happened as it would be another three weeks before I collapsed; I had just turned 46.

After my collapse, it was discovered that I had actually suffered an incomplete C4 to T2 Spinal Injury and had utterly destroyed C4/C5 and C5/C6.

A surgeon replaced the two destroyed sections with titanium implants, which then suffered a catastrophic failure.

The Neurologist informed me that 4 of the five nerves that make up my left Brachial Nerve cluster were damaged, and only the Radial Nerve had survived the damage.

Then I was informed by Two Legal Medical Experts that I was 60% disabled for life, and it was doubtful I would ever return to work and not the job I had.

I am not the type to accept things, so I put together a team of five to assist my recovery. Over five years, we got me to a point where I can function independently and walk. Don’t expect me to get there quickly; if it’s more than 20ish meters, I will need my chair.

In 2020, during the lockdown, I, like most of us, spent too much time on YouTube and discovered many amazing Spinal Injury Warriors, both young and old. From this came a desire to try and make life better, not for me (I’m Getting Old) but for Children and Young People around the World with Spinal Injuries who have their whole lives in front of them.

When you say the Word Cancer, People reach for their wallets, but when you say Spinal Cord Injury, People just say I am so sorry to hear that but do not reach for their wallets; there is an underlying thought that nothing can be done.

However, just like Cancer, it requires money to research to find a way to repair damaged nerves.

In 2021, I came up with this crazy idea to Drive Around the Globe to Raise Awareness and Money for Spinal Cord Research, but first, was it possible to do this solo and show that just because I am disabled and have a spinal injury, this does not define me nor stop me from following a dream, no matter how crazy it may sound.

Before the Accident

(Taken 2 weeks before)

Me Now with my Granddaughter