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15.4 million people are living with a Spinal Cord Injury Globally.

We don’t all look the same, as not all Disabilities are Visible!

The Goal is to Raise 10 Million Pounds

I know that sounds like a lot, however, with 126 Cities it is only £80,000/€90,000/$100,000 per city

So Which City can raise the most money, check out My Journey to see if I will be in your city.

100% of all Donations go to “Spinal Research

No funds are used for the Journey

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The trip aims to raise awareness and money for the treatment of Spinal Cord Injuries and, hopefully, a cure.

Every Hour, 48 people will suffer a spinal cord injury somewhere in the world.

This type of injury devastates the person involved, their family, and their friends.

Cancer Research Spends in One Day what

Spinal Cord Research Spends in Two Years.

I would take the direct approach and drive around the Northern Hemisphere. (The Original Plan was to drive across Russia, but we have changed the route due to circumstances.)

My journey is not a straightforward one; it’s a zig-zagging path across Europe, then a Roll-on Roll-off Ship will take me to Halifax in Canada, where I will drive across the entire country. From there, I will Continue my zig-zag through the US before returning to the UK via Halifax to Liverpool on another Roll-on Roll-off Ship. This personal connection with the journey is what makes it so meaningful and impactful.

The purpose of this zig-zagging journey is to personally connect with Spinal Centres and meet Spinal Injury Heroes in as many countries and cities as possible. I want to hear and share their incredible individual stories, as well as those of the dedicated Doctors and Researchers working tirelessly with Spinal Cord Injury Patients.

You can join in with discussions and follow my Entire Journey Live through the website or on our dedicated YouTube channel.


Coming Soon

Spinal Research funds research and scientific projects across the globe.

Every Hour 48 People will suffer a spinal cord injury which could lead to paralysis.

This type of injury devastates the person involved, their family and friends.

Over 100,000 people in just the UK and Ireland are living with paralysis, a condition which often will last a whole lifetime

“Insert Charity Here” is one of the leading medical charities funding the science needed to repair and restore the spinal cord.

Their vision is a world where paralysis is no longer a life sentence.

Previously thought impossible, recent scientific breakthroughs have led to real progress in the field of spinal cord injury. There is hope that meaningful treatments will be available soon.
Any money donated from the Drive Around The Globe Project will accelerate the development and delivery of new revolutionary treatments.

Your donation could help fund some of the following:

  • £18/€20/$20 – could fund 100 electrodes used in electrical stimulation pilots.
  • £50/€57/$55 – could fund one electrical stimulation session.
  • £100/€115/$110 – could fund a full day of laboratory-based research
  • £350/€400/$385 – could fund a whole day of clinical research
  • £20,000/€23,000/$22,000 – could support a PhD student for an entire year
  • £40,000/€45,000/$44,000 – could pay for a conference for 120 leading scientists to share research findings.

Help us beat paralysis, by donating today.


Spinal Research does not receive funding from any government, so their important work is only possible through the generosity of supporters like you.

Every contribution helps.

* 100% of All Donations made will be given directly to “Spinal Research UK” – Terms & Conditions